Robert Pinsky

Credits immagine: Eric Antoniou

Robert Pinsky (Long Branch, 1940) è poeta, traduttore e critico letterario. È professore di scrittura creativa alla Boston University e ha lavorato come consulente alla Biblioteca del Congresso. Nel 1997 è stato nominato Poeta Laureato d'America. Tra i suoi volumi di poesia: Sadness and Happiness (1975), An Explanation of America (1980) The Want Bone (1990), The Figured Wheel (1996). Nel 1994 ha pubblicato per Farrar un'importante traduzione dell'Inferno di Dante illustrata da Michael Mazur (Los Angeles Time Book Pirze e Hardo Morto Landon Translation Award).. Collabora con diverse riviste, tra cui "American Review", "American Poetry Review", "Antaeus", "Poetry", Shenandonah" e "Yale Review". È editor di "New Republic" e "Slate". Nel 2009 ha ricevuto il Premio Capri. A Simone Lenzi e Simone Marchesi si deve la traduzione del volume An Explanation of America, 1979 (trad. it Un'America. Spiegata a mia figlia, Le Lettere 2009). Un suo racconto è incluso nell'antologia West of you city (minimum fax 2003, a cura di Mark Strand, trad. it. di Damiano Abeni). 



Sadness and Happiness, Princeton University Press 1975

An Explanation of America, Princeton University Press 1979

History of My Heart, Ecco Press 1984

The Want Bone, Ecco Press 1990

The Inferno of Dante: A New Verse Translation, illustrations by Michael Mazur, Farrar 1994

The Figured Wheel: New and Collected Poems, 1966-1996, Farrar 1996

Jersey Rain, Farrar, Straus 2000

Gulf Music: Poems, Farrar, Straus 2007


Landor's Poetry, University of Chicago Press 1968

The Situation of Poetry: Contemporary Poetry and Its Traditions, Princeton University Press 1976

Robert Pinsky (recording), New Letters 1983

(Translator, with Robert Hass) Czeslaw Milosz, The Separate Notebooks, Ecco Press 1984

Amy Clampitt and Robert Pinsky Reading Their Poems (recording), Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature, 1984

Poetry and the World, Ecco Press 1988

Dorothy Barresi and Robert Pinsky Reading Their Poems (recording), Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 1992

The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress: Robert Pinsky (recording), Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 1995

Digital Culture and the Individual Soul (recording), Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 1997

The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide, Farrar, Straus 1998

(Collector) The Handbook of Heartbreak: 101 Poems of Lost Love and Sorrow, Rob Weisbach Books 1998

Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry Robert Pinsky Reading His Poems in the Montpelier Room, Library of Congress, May 7, 1998, Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 1998.

Poetry and American Memory (recording), Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 1998

Sharing the Gifts: Readings by 1997-2000 Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry Robert Pinsky, 1999-2000 Special Poetry Consultants Rita Dove, Louise Glück, W. S. Merwin, 1999 Witter Bynner Fellows David Gewanter, Campbell McGrath, Heather McHugh (recording), Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 1999

Robert Pinsky Reading Selections from the Anthology, "Americans' Favorite Poems, the Favorite Poem Project," and Discussing Them in the Mumford Room, Library of Congress, October 7, 1999 (recording), Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 1999

The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress—Favorite Poets (recording), Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature 1999

(Author of introduction) David Noevich Goberman, Carved Memories: Heritage in Stone from the Russian Jewish Pale, Rizzoli (New York), 2000

(Editor, with Maggie Dietz) Americans' Favorite Poems: The Favorite Poem Project Anthology, Norton 2000

(Selector) Cate Marvin, World's Tallest Disaster: Poems, Sarabande Books 2001

(Editor, with Maggie Dietz) Poems to Read: A New Favorite Poem Project Anthology, W. W. Norton 2002

Democracy, Culture, and the Voice of Poetry, Princeton University Press 2002

A Favorite Poem Reading with Frank Bidart, Louise Glück, and Robert Pinsky (recording), Recorded Sound Reference Center 2003

(Editor) William Carlos Williams: Selected Poems, Library of America 2004

(Editor, with Maggie Dietz) An Invitation to Poetry: A New Favorite Poem Project Anthology, Norton 2004


Pagina Wikipedia

Poetry Foundation (da cui è tratta la bibliografia)

Robert Pinsky su "Semicerchio".

Scheda autore sul sito dell'editrice Le Lettere

Scheda autore sul sito dell'editrice minimum fax

Ultimo aggiornamento: 10.08.2014